Water and parrots during summer at Loro Parque Fundación

October 5th, 2017 | by Rafael Zamora Padron
Water and parrots during summer at Loro Parque Fundación

Water plays an important role in the breeding of birds. Therefore we renew it periodically in order to keep it clean and fresh. A healthy food is also of great importance. Our birds receive the best selected fruit and seeds. In order to keep the food fresh, we place the troughs where they can´t get contaminated or overheated. The water troughs can become an authentic silent trap that leads the most delicate birds to sickness if they are not properly cleaned. Therefore we subject the troughs to an exhaustive hygienic control.

This is also the reason why we subject the water to rigorous analysis in order to prevent possible diseases. Loro Parque has a high-tech and innovative laboratory for doing these analyses which the visitors can observe through a viewing window. These modern technology permits our biologists to obtain important data from the existing water resources. The whole technical team pays special attention during the summer time when the levels of bacteria or common parameters can vary more easily because of the increasing temperatures and in order to prevent the animals from diseases. The levels of Ph, nitrates and conductivity change according to circumstances and can affect the health of the animals. Hence it is necessary to review and control on a regular basis.



The laboratory of Loro Parque uses the latest technology


A new facility for the Pionus and Pionites has been opened at the Loro Parque. This innovative enclosure of invisible mesh allows the different bird species to coexist in the same habitat and to develop their flying skills. The large height offers hiding places for breeding. Although the nests are not easy to find, the most curious visitors will discover them. These breeding techniques and husbandry are unique in the world. Loro Parque offers this unique way of seeing a community living in harmony. This habitat community is growing and will offer the participants of the world congress of parrots, in September 2018, a unique spectacle of these two genres of Psittacidae.

The breeding season is progressing/developing very well at Loro Parque Fundación. Some species, such as the Festive amazons finally have had offspring after some years of poor breeding success. The blue-winged parakeet had also breeding success without and the offspring is reaching now their adulthood. Seeing the young birds out of the nest with their perfect plumage give the team great satisfaction. It means that we have followed up the right proceeding during the year.


DCF 1.0

Pionus senilis


Aviarios Pionus Pionites

New facilities for Pionus and Pionites parrots


juv columboides L Tomiska

Psittacula columboides, fledged baby


Among all the offspring, the nestlings of the Eupsittula astec species stand out. The proud parents feed the little chicks almost uninterruptedly. The activity of these small birds is admirable. It is one of the most charismatic species. Despite its small size, they are constantly attracting the attention of any observer. We get trapped by the way they protect their territory and their sinuous movements. This species has become a very important since it is very rare in Europe, even the rearing at breeding centers is unusual.


Eupsittula astec Lubos Tomiska

Eupsittula astec, baby raised by its own parents


Amazona bodini Rafael Zamora Padrón

Amazona festiva bodini couple with their chick


The Sunset Lorikeet (Trichoglossus forsteni), also known as the Scarlet-breasted Lorikeet or Forsten’s Lorikeet, is also classified as vulnerable in the wild. The ones living at Loro Parque Fundación are now raising their fledglings. We are grateful for any offspring we get since it is a very rare species in Europe.


Pair Amazona barbadensis Lubos tomiska

Amazona barbadensis breeding pair


Amazona barbadensis Lubos Tomiska

Amazona barbadensis baby

The spectacular Yellow-shouldered Amazon (Amazona barbadensis) care for their offspring in and admirable way. Their crops are always full which help them to grow fast in a very short time. The following generations reach a reproduction with only few years of life. This parrot is one the most appreciated species in its native country, Venezuela, because of its extroverted and at the same time affectionate character. Unfortunately its population has suffered a significant decline in recent years. This decrease is largely due to the actual situation of Venezuela where it nearly has disappeared in some of their habitats. Loro Parque Fundación has invested in their in situ Conservation Project 434,799 US Dollar. In addition it has created the largest population in Europe which offers the international breeding centers high quality and beautiful species born under controlled conditions. In this sense, the wild population is preserved.


Author: Rafael Zamora Padrón, Scientific Director of Loro Parque Fundación

Title photo: Loro Parque Fundación


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