One of the greatest European bird markets took place in Reggio Emilia, Italy, in days 20th to 22nd November. It is organized regularly once a year for 76 years and that’s why this is the oldest event of its kind. In 1948, more than 6000 birds from six countries were exhibited there, four years later it was 8300 birds from eleven countries. Today there are over 20 000 birds displayed on the bird show and together with the bird market more than 100 000 birds in total. Reggio Emilia bird market has over 22 000 square meters.
ParrotsDailyNews team visited this event on Saturday and spent there a whole day. The bird market and bird show surprised us a lot in positive way and we are sure that Reggio Emilia bird market is at least as good as the Zwolle bird market, maybe even better.
The price for an adult ticket was 10 euro.
Today, you can enjoy a complex pricelist of offered birds. Tomorrow, we will publish a photoreport from this event.
currency = EURO
Title photo: (c) Lubomir Tomiska