Czech Republic hosted an international avicultural convention, ACTP revealed plans about the Spix’s Macaw reintroduction

March 24th, 2016 | by LubosTomiska
Czech Republic hosted an international avicultural convention, ACTP revealed plans about the Spix’s Macaw reintroduction

banner araraunaIn two to three years, ACTP (Association for the conservation of threatened parrots) would like to start releasing of the extinct Spix Macaws in cooperation with Al Wabra from Qatar. An official ACTP representative Katrin Scholtyssek announced this at the Czech Avicultural Convention on the last Saturday. She was accompanied by the ACTP president Martin Guth.

Katrin was not the only foreign speaker at this convention. Juan Cornejo, a bird curator of the most complete parrot collection in Loro Parque, Tony Silva, american breeder and author of many well-known publications and Anil Garg had also lectures.  After the last presentation, all international speakers together with the only Czech speaker Martin Smrcek sit together in front of the crowd and faced to questions of 150 attenders.


Závěrečná debata v Kozovazech: zleva Anil Garg (Indie), Katrin Scholtyssek (Německo), Tony Silva (USA) a Juan Cornejo (Španělsko) - Foto: Jan Potůček,

All the international speakers answering questions of attenders (c) Jan Potucek

Kurátorka německého ACTP Katrin Scholtyssek přiblížila plány s návratem ary škraboškového do volné přírody v Brazílii (Foto: Jan Potůček,

Katrin Scholtyseek is answering a question about Spix’s Macaw reintroduction(c) Jan Potucek

Zakladatel ACTP Martin Guth, kurátorka Katrin Scholtyssek a předseda Československého Forpus klubu Martin Smrček (Foto: Jan Potůček,

ACTP President Martin Guth with the only Czech speaker (c) Jan Potucek

Tony Silva rozesmál přítomné příhodou, jak amoniakovým podkladkem odnaučil papoušky rozbíjet vejce (Foto: Jan Potůček,

Tony made everyone laughing when told us a story about an ammonia fake egg (c) Jan Potucek


Katrin Scholtyssek also mentioned that ACTP and Al Wabra are going to build a new in-situ breeding center for Spix’s Macaws, which is necessary for future reintroduction, in the following months. However, before the release the original devastated habitat has to be recovered.

The next lecture from Juan Cornejo provided detailed information on parrot hand feeding. Juan introduced the whole hand feeding procedure at Baby Station which is a new facility at Loro Parque. Before that he also talked about incubation. In the last year, Loro Parque raised more than 900 parrots and their entire collection counts over 3000 parrots in total.

Tony Silva was the only speaker who had also a lecture at this event in the last year. Because of Tony’s amazing personality the talks have always been well received by all attenders. His lecture was about hand feeding but also about parrot breeding in general.


Kurátor Loro Parque Juan Cornejo přednáší o chovu arů kobaltových (Foto: Jan Potůček,

Juan Cornejo explaining hand feeding procedure in Loro Parque (c) Jan Potucek

Vzácní hosté v Kozovazech, zleva: prezident ACTP Martin Guth, indický chovatel Anil Garg, kurátorka ACTP Katrin Scholtyssek a koordinátor zahraničních návštěv a překladatel Lubomír Tomiška (Foto: Jan Potůček,

Anil Garg, Martin Guth, Katrin Scholtyssek and Lubomir Tomiska (c) Jan Potucek

Anil Garg se svěřuje, že jeho chovatelskou výzvou je odchov amazoňana oranžovokřídlého (Foto: Jan Potůček,

Anil Garg saying what is the most difficult species to breed (c) Jan Potucek

Letošní setkání v Kozovazech si drtivá většina účastníků nenechala ujít až do konce (Foto: Jan Potůček,

Panel discussion (c) Jan Potucek


The convention was also attended by a group of 13 Indian aviculturists headed by Anil Garg, Avian Society of India president. Anil had the last lecture and introduced the Indian aviculture. He also talked about his personal experience with breeding of such rare species like Palm Cockatoo or Hawk-headed Parrot. This talk received many positive comments and it clearly showed that despite different climate, culture or religion, aviculture all over the world is the same in one thing – passion.

Miguel Gomez Garza, well known field ornithologist and aviculturist from Mexico also attended this event. In total, the Czech Avicultural Convention hosted people from seven countries – Czech Republic, Slovakia, USA, Mexico, India, Germany and Spain.


Title photo: (c) Jan Potucek


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