During this summer holiday ParrotsDailyNews team visited over 30 breeders in Australia. Seeing wild black cockatoos or australian lorikeet species was one of the most wonderful experience in my life. However, we saw also many interesting mutations which are not available in Europe and which will take your breath away for sure.
So do you like blue color? I hope so because in following photos you can check the rarest blue mutations in the world. Unfortunately, envy and thefts is the problem of aviculture all over the world. That’s why we will not mention names of owners of these birds. But in close future we would like to publish some more information about history and price of each mutation.
Australian King Parrot (Alisterus scapularis), blue mutation
blue Australian King Parrot (c) Lubomir Tomiska
blue Australian King Parrot (c) Lubomir Tomiska
blue Australian King Parrot, female (c) Lubomir Tomiska
editor in chief of ParrotsDailyNews magazine with two blue Australian King Parrots
Black-headed Caique (Pionites melanocephala), blue mutation
Black-headed Caique, blue mutation (c) Lubomir Tomiska
blue Australian King Parrot (c) Lubomir Tomiska
Black-headed Caique, blue mutation (c) Lubomir Tomiska
Rainbow Lorikeet (Trichoglossus haematodus moluccanus), blue mutation
Rainbow Lorikeet, blue mutation (c) Lubomir Tomiska
Rainbow Lorikeet, blue mutation (c) Lubomir Tomiska
Moustached Parakeet (Psittacula alexandri), blue mutation
Moustached Parakeet, blue mutation (c) Lubomir Tomiska
Moustached Parakeet, blue mutation (c) Lubomir Tomiska
Moustached Parakeet, blue mutation (c) Lubomir Tomiska
Blue-winged Parrot (Neophema chrysostoma), blue mutation
Blue-winged Parrot, blue mutation (c) Lubomir Tomiska
Blue-winged Parrot, blue mutation (c) Lubomir Tomiska
Blue-winged Parrot, blue mutation (c) Lubomir Tomiska
Galah Cockatoo (Eolophus roseicapillus), blue mutation
Galah Cockatoo, blue mutation (c) Lubomir Tomiska
Galah Cockatoo, blue mutation (c) Lubomir Tomiska
Galah Cockatoo, blue mutation (c) Lubomir Tomiska
Galah Cockatoo, blue mutation (c) Lubomir Tomiska
Title photo: (c) Lubomir Tomiska