Miguel A. Gómez Garza: my most valuable success is the first breeding of Maroon-fronted Parrot in the world

Miguel A. Gómez Garza: my most valuable success is the first breeding of Maroon-fronted Parrot in the world

February 26th, 2015 | by LubosTomiska
Interview with an ornithologist and vet Miguel Gomez Garza about Mexican...
Karl Hansal: When you start counting money in breeding then it’s too bad. PART II

Karl Hansal: When you start counting money in breeding then it’s too bad. PART II

February 24th, 2015 | by LubosTomiska
Read also the first part of this article: Karl Hansal talks about his successful breeding of Golden-shouldered and Timor Red-winged Parrots. PART I a Why have you decided to buy Golden-shouldered Parrots? I like them and there...
Report from the biggest european birdmarket in Zwolle

Report from the biggest european birdmarket in Zwolle

February 23rd, 2015 | by LubosTomiska
Twice a year European aviculturists are going to visit the greatest bird market Zwolle. Usually, you find there more birds in September as breeders sell their offsprings which were hatched in spring or summer. Less birds are...
„Naughty“ Keas have their own playground so they don’t destroy the cars
Conservation projects

„Naughty“ Keas have their own playground so they don’t destroy the cars

February 20th, 2015 | by LubosTomiska
The conservationists of St Arnaud, New Zealand, decided to a very unusual way how to lure the attention of Keas away from the parked cars of local foresters....
Indian paradox: parrots die in nets intended for monkeys
Conservation projects

Indian paradox: parrots die in nets intended for monkeys

February 17th, 2015 | by LubosTomiska
It should be an efficient weapon against ubiquitous monkeys. However, farmers in the indian state Adilabad are catching more parrots to these nets instead....
Karl Hansal talks about his successful breeding of Golden-shouldered and Timor Red-winged Parrots. PART I

Karl Hansal talks about his successful breeding of Golden-shouldered and Timor Red-winged Parrots. PART I

February 16th, 2015 | by LubosTomiska
Read also the second part of this article: Karl Hansal: When you start counting money in breeding than it’s too bad. PART II a Many years ago he bred the Timor Red-winged Parrot (Aprosmictus jonquillaceus) as the first one...
Five biggest threats for your parrot

Five biggest threats for your parrot

February 13th, 2015 | by LubosTomiska
VIDEO IN – Do you have a parrot pet at home which can freely fly in the house? Then you should know that there are several things threating your bird. However, the animal can be in danger even if it is locked in the cage....
Researchers found the fourth species of Nestor genus from Chatham Islands

Researchers found the fourth species of Nestor genus from Chatham Islands

February 12th, 2015 | by LubosTomiska
The new close relative of Keas (Nestor notabilis) and Kakas (Nestor meridionalis) was found by archeologists on Chatham Islands in the Pacific Ocean. This interesting discover is based on an analysis of fossil parrot bones found...
Where to sell or buy your parrots? The most important advertising websites in Europe

Where to sell or buy your parrots? The most important advertising websites in Europe

February 10th, 2015 | by LubosTomiska
Thanks to the Shengen Area we can travel across whole European Union without any limitation. What is more, for the transport of birds we don’t need any import or export permission. All we need is simple veterinary certificate...
Ladislav Groda: You need to have a good strategy to be a successful breeder of exhibition budgies PART II

Ladislav Groda: You need to have a good strategy to be a successful breeder of exhibition budgies PART II

February 9th, 2015 | by LubosTomiska
Read also the first part of this interview: Ladislav Groda: Every exhibition budgie has some defects. You just need to reveal them. PART I a How many youngers do you sell and how many do you keep at home? When the season is good...

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