Biology and breeding of the Mountain Parakeet

Biology and breeding of the Mountain Parakeet

January 25th, 2016 | by Daniel Nuijten
I would like to discuss a small green parakeet that I have been keeping in my collection since the 90s and which seems to have changed...
Breeding and biology of the Swift Parrot. PART II

Breeding and biology of the Swift Parrot. PART II

November 27th, 2015 | by Daniel Nuijten
Read also the first part of this article: Breeding and biology of the Swift Parrot. PART I a Sexing them visually is possible. In general, males are brighter coloured than females. Also young females have a white band under the...
Breeding and biology of the Swift Parrot. PART I

Breeding and biology of the Swift Parrot. PART I

November 11th, 2015 | by Daniel Nuijten
The Swift parrot (Lathamus discolor) is a small parrot species with size 25 cm, the plumage is mainly green with red undertail and red underwings coverts. This bird has also distinct face markings with red color around the beak...

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