Fifteen years – so long Jaroslav and Lucie Jelinek have been waiting for the first Hyacinth Macaw breeding (Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus). Finaly, their time came in the last year and the patience was definitely worth it. They bred five youngers from one pair! The success could be even better as the female laid 8 fertile eggs in four clutches. However, three embryos died in eggs.
In my opinion, we have been just lucky. When you acquire a young pair of Hyacinth Macaw ( Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus ) you have to keep them till they are sexually mature, birds have to get on well together. We have only one pair of this species so we can talk about an enormous piece of luck.
Yes, they were 6 months old. Since that time they have been still together. We haven’t dealed with any health issues.
In the last year, they were 13 years old. In previous years they have had two unsuccessful breeding seasons with one infertile clutch and one hatched chick. Unfortunately, they didn’t feed it so it died.
At the age of 9.
They were hand-feeded from the first day.
We had eight eggs in four clutches (4 x 2). All of them were fertile. From the first clutch two babies arised, from the second, third and fourth „only“ one at a time. Four fertile eggs didn’t hatch or chicks died soon after they hatched.
I guess nature didn’t want it 🙂
We had bad experience from previous seasons because they didn’t feed their chick for the first time. However, if they will breed again we try it for sure.
The first clutch was put after 2 weeks under a proven breeding pair of Military Macaws (Ara militaris) as they had three eggs at that moment. The next clutches were under their biological parents up to the 22nd day. Then we put them to the incubator.
Military Macaws feeded Hyacinth Macaw chicks ( Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus ) for three days. However, we couldn’t put the next clutches under this or another breeding pair of macaws later as they didn’t have their own eggs at that time.
If we take the eggs up to 21st – 23rd day of incubation, they will lay the forst egg of the next clutch soon.
From the first day we mix Nutribird with Kaytee for macaws in ratio 1:1. As for consistence, we follow instructions recommended by producers.
The first feeding occurs when the yolk sac is absorbed. If the chick has still green feces we give it the fennel tea. When only uric acid is released then we start feeding it with very sparse handfeeding mixture.
Some breeders wean Hyacinth macaw babies already at the age of 6 months. I would say it’s too early. Seven to eight months is an optimal period to my mind. In the wild it’s very similar and that’s why pairs nest there only every second year.
At the beginning, every 1,5 hour, 24/7. By the time the interval has been lengthened according to the crop size. We fed 3 times a day, eventually (since the age of 3 months). When we start weaning, one feeding is left out and we learn the baby to eat by itself.
We wean birds with pellets, sponge biscuits and cut fruits (mostly apples and bananas).
After hatching we set the temperature on 36°C and then reduce it by 0,5°C every week.
I would say it is easier than some other macaws. I would say that Military Macaws, Red-fronted Macaws (Ara rubrogenys) and Blue-throated Macaws (Ara glaucogularis) are more difficult to hand feed for sure. In those cases we faced troubles with digestion for several times.
Yes, I hadfeeded a few babies of this species for my friend Zdenek Spalek so I did have some experience.
Nobody knows. Some breeders say it’s because of food. I don’t believe it. In my opinion, it’s mostly in the case of the last hatched youngers. Last eggs can be poor in calcium or other components so it doesn’t grow properly then. Hopefully, the brace which our vet applied should work.
I contacted the vet when the baby was 6 weeks old and she put the brace on its beak immediately.
No, it’s fixed by screws on the lower mandibule and how the beak is growing the brace fall off.
Both birds in my breeding pair had deformed beak. At the age of 5-6 years, nobody would say that their beak was wrong.
Before I decided, I had spoken with several successful breeders around whole world. To my and their mind, in smaller aviaries birds are more willing to breed.
Whole collection is together at one place for a long time. Of course, sometimes I buy a new bird but 80% of macaws in my collection are together for 10 years.
From spring to autumn I feed with sprouted seeds. But in the past I have tried to leave this component out and there wasn’t much difference. So in my opinion, sprouted seeds are not an important trigger for breeding in macaws. Generally we feed with various fruits and vegetables, pellets and a seed mixture. We add pulses as well.
Commercial mixtures only, we use Avicentra.
Kaytee for big parrots or ZuPreem.
We give almost everything. Cherries, sour cherries, appricots, peaches, apples, bananas, granate apples, currants, gooseberries, …
In our facility all macaws got various mixture of nuts – hazelnuts, walnuts, para nuts, macadamia nuts, …
I didn’t force her to lay the eggs. Contrarily, I would prefer less clutches so she is not exhausted. In my opinion, she was in a very good condition. Otherwise, she wouldn’t nest.
No, it doesn’t make any sense. Reproducing of Hyacinth macaw is their natural need. If the birds are in good condition they would breed. Some macaws don’t nest for several years at all, some pairs nest once a year, other pairs twice. It always depends on their condition.
Such record I remember in Blue and Gold Macaws, I had 12 babies in three clutches within one year.
We heat our facility in the winter, but maximally on a few degrees above zero.
I’m a joiner so it’s the best choice for me. It’s a very good material. Very fast to build, especially the roof.
They are 3,5m long, 1,5m wide and 2,5m high.
They won’t. The only species which destroyed this mesh was the Buffon’s Macaw.
It’s funny but at the beginning I would say that Blue and Gold Macaws. I bought a young female and 3 years after a male. Then we waited 12 years for the first offspring.
Yes, the first one.
Photos: (c) Jan Potucek,