Tony Silva NEWS

Q & A: “When should we medicate our birds?”

Q & A: “When should we medicate our birds?”

December 18th, 2016 | by Tony Silva
Read more about when should we medicate our birds. Article written by Tony...
African Grey Parrot in CITES I: breeders will not be allowed to sell offspring of birds of unknown origin

African Grey Parrot in CITES I: breeders will not be allowed to sell offspring of birds of unknown origin

December 13th, 2016 | by Jan Potucek
African Grey Parrot has been reclassified from CITES II to CITES I. Therefore, most of owners will have to register it in the next...
Q & A: “What is better hand-rearing or using foster parents?”

Q & A: “What is better hand-rearing or using foster parents?”

December 8th, 2016 | by Tony Silva
Is it better to let foster parents or to handfeed abandoned parrot chicks? Read more in this article written by Tony Silva....
Report on the visit to Lubos Pavlech, parrot breeder from Slovakia

Report on the visit to Lubos Pavlech, parrot breeder from Slovakia

December 4th, 2016 | by Jan Potucek
Find out more about keeping and breeding of the Green-winged King Parrot (Alisterus chloropterus) or Hooded Parrot (Psephotus...

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