The first hatching of Tasmanian Black Cockatoo (Zanda funerea xanthonota) in Europe officially

The first hatching of Tasmanian Black Cockatoo (Zanda funerea xanthonota) in Europe officially

September 7th, 2016 | by Rafael Zamora Padron
Read latest news from the most complete collection of parrots in the world which is found at Loro Parque Fundacion....
Zdenek Vandelik: successful breeding comes with passion, not desire for profit. PART II

Zdenek Vandelik: successful breeding comes with passion, not desire for profit. PART II

September 5th, 2016 | by LubosTomiska
Do not miss an interview with a well known Czech parrot breeder Zdenek Vandelik who keeps a large collection of conures and...
September news from Australian parrot breeding facility PPC PRIAM

September news from Australian parrot breeding facility PPC PRIAM

September 3rd, 2016 | by Daniel Gowland
Do not miss latest news from Australian parrot breeding facility PPC PRIAM. Written by Daniel Gowland....

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